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  1. Blog13th Dec 2022

    What challenges are family businesses facing today?

    The UK is going through a period of uncertainty. The economy is struggling to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve had months of political uncertainty and the rise in the price of necessities such as energy and food have caused…

    By Paula Fraser

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  2. Blog12th Dec 2022

    Food & drink sector dos & don’ts for cost of living crisis

    The soaring price of food, energy and running costs has pushed inflation to a 40-year high as the rising cost of living continues to squeeze. UK food and energy prices are rising at their fastest rate in 42 years. With…

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  3. Blog7th Dec 2022

    Court-sanctioned SME Restructuring Plan imposes cram down of HMRC preferential debt

    The High Court in London recently sanctioned a Restructuring Plan for Houst Limited despite opposition from HMRC, one of the company’s major creditors. Our Restructuring team explains the significance of the case. Restructuring Plans were introduced as a Business Recovery…

    By Nicola Rollings

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  4. Blog3rd Nov 2022

    AABIE visit the newly opened playpark at SensationALL

    At AAB we all have it in our hearts to help others. With that in mind we launched AABIE, our charitable initiative in 2016. AABIE enables everyone at AAB Group to invest and give back to the communities in which…

    By Claire Smith 

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  5. Blog17th Oct 2022

    Nicola Burns, author of blog

    To be or not to be – mini-budget

    As we found out last week from several press articles, the new Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, does not support many of the tax cutting measures that were set out in the mini-budget by the former Chancellor Kwarteng. The first being the…

    By Nicola Burns

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  6. Blog29th Sep 2022

    Nicola Burns, author of blog

    PAYE Settlement Agreements

    Payment deadline Class 1B Employer National Insurance contributions and tax are due by 19 October or 22 October if paying electronically. For October 2022 you will need to ensure your electronic payment reaches HMRC by Friday 21 October as the…

    By Nicola Burns

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  7. Blog17th Aug 2022

    Nicola Burns, author of blog

    Organised Labour Fraud

    Have you heard of OLF (Organised Labour Fraud)?  HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service (FIS) uses this term when describing organised crime that involves genuine labour supplies. The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals published a HMRC special on the topic, but have…

    By Nicola Burns

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  8. Blog8th Aug 2022

    Lynn Gracie, author of blog about Non-Doms

    Working Remotely – Nine to five at the office is no longer the norm… but neither is working in a UK office

    The impact of COVID has been widespread and far reaching, touching all aspects of work and home life. Many now have the option to work from home, but some are taking this as an opportunity to work from anywhere, including…

    By Lynn Gracie

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  9. Blog4th Aug 2022

    Nicola Burns, author of blog


    As we approach National Cycle to Work Day on 1 August 2024, the significance of cycling for both personal health and environmental well-being continues to grow.  Originally introduced by the UK government in 1999, the Cycle to Work scheme aimed…

    By Nicola Burns

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  10. Blog2nd Aug 2022

    Importance of Tax Planning When Selling a Business

    Successful business owners usually think long and hard about their exit strategies and negotiating business sales that meet their needs, but relevant tax planning is often overlooked or considered too late in the process to be effective. When you’ve put…

    By Gunhild Dam

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  11. Blog28th Jul 2022

    Nicola Burns, author of blog

    Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill 

    As the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill makes its way through Parliament, it is important to understand what the new Code of Practice to be issued by the Secretary of State would mean, especially for the hospitality, leisure and service…

    By Nicola Burns

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  12. Blog22nd Jul 2022

    Nicola Burns, author of blog

    HMRC – Improving the data it collects from its customers consultation document

    It is usually around this time of year, as the holiday season gets underway that government departments publish consultation documents, and HMRC is no different.  HMRC is looking for responses to its consultation on improving the data it collects from…

    By Nicola Burns

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