Who I help

Owner-managed businesses. Small & medium-sized limited companies. Medium-sized groups. Pension schemes. Sole traders. Solicitors.

How I help

Audit & assurance services. Year-end accounts & corporation tax preparation. Preparation of management information & VAT returns.


Manufacturing. Property development & management. Professional Services. Solicitors.

“I am always willing to learn & to help.”

As a Manager, Elise Hern is an incredibly knowledgeable member of our Audit team. Elise leads our on-site or remote field work, taking responsibility for managing other team members to ensure an efficient and thorough job.

She has experience in supporting a wide range of clients from sole traders and partnerships to small and medium-sized limited companies and pension schemes, providing a broad range of accounting, tech, and audit support to help them achieve their goals.


“For me, an ideal relationship with a client is one that maintains the right balance between professional and personal.”


“My clients expect me to complete high-standard audit work, and provide them with general guidance on all things tax planning. They know I will help them draw up plans to help them succeed and achieve any goals that they might have. They also expect me to maintain communication throughout the year with any relevant updates on accounting standards and practices.”


“One of my favourite aspects of the job is meeting and building relationships with a diverse range of people. I love learning about a wide variety of different businesses and how they run. Listening to stories that directors and owners have to tell us and how they got to be where they are is always fascinating, and it helps us to understand them on an even deeper level.”


“I find it really satisfying to continually learn from those with more experience and help to develop new team members coming through. In fact, I think the greatest strength that I bring to AAB is that I am always willing to learn and always willing to help.”


“I have to make sure I’m able to be assertive in appropriate situations, usually just in cases where it’s really important to ensure clients understand when something really needs to change, such as systems and processes.”


“There are many benefits to virtual working, however when it comes to working with audit clients, being hands-on, out on site, and seeing how the business works can be a real benefit for carrying out testing and drawing conclusions.”


“Balancing workloads during busy times of the year (or all year) to ensure jobs are signed off and filed in advance of deadlines is always a challenge. I try to delegate where possible and make sure not to take too much on or spread myself too thinly, to make sure that I’m giving clients the best service possible.”


“What excites me most about the future for myself and for AAB is growing in an ever-changing world, and learning and building the knowledge to guide newer team members to build successful careers within the firm. As part of AAB Group, there are more opportunities than ever for team members to develop and grow, so it’s a really exciting time.”


“The greatest compliment I’ve received from a client was probably feedback received in a survey – they wrote: “All staff involved in the ESFA subcontracting controls audit were professional, courteous, respectful, informed and diligent.” It’s what we aim to be giving with our service, so it was really nice to receive confirmation that clients see us this way!”


“The reputation of auditors alongside the dread that finance teams have when it’s audit time is really unfortunate, and in my opinion, totally unnecessary – I wish people knew our aim isn’t to find issues with their work or prove they are doing a bad job! We are there to help businesses.”