
Principal Consultant- Organisational Development


Aideen O'Neill

Who I help

Any organisation that wishes to improve the effectiveness of their people.

How I help

Providing advice to help organisations increase the effectiveness of their structures, people and culture.

“I’m a firm believer that organisational development can be the key to success.”

Aideen O’Neill is a Principal Consultant in our Organisational Development team, based in our Belfast office. She aims to help organisations increase their effectiveness by having the right people, with the right skills, performing in cultures in which they can deliver their best.  Aideen is able to use her years of experience and knowledge to identify solutions that can improve effectiveness when teams, individuals or structures aren’t performing as well as they could be.

Aideen utilises her strong diagnostic and advisory skills to first gain an understanding of client’s needs and develop a bespoke and innovative solution for them to help combat challenges. The solutions she provides make tangible differences in the success of organisations.

People at the heart of our processes

“Good organisational development ensures there’s alignment between the business processes and structures and the most important assets of the business- it’s people. People are the key to creating great organisations and we can help create the environment that encourages people to perform.

Sometimes clients come to us with a specific request, while others know there’s room for improvement, but they can’t figure out what those improvements should be on their own. That’s where we come in- as their trusted advisor. Providing them with diagnostic work on their opportunities and challenges before we suggest a solution.”

Clients best interest at heart

“For me, it’s really important that I’m able to build relationships that are for the long term. I’m not just there to get a job done and move on to the next client. I genuinely want to see that organisation succeed. I’m a firm believer that organisational development can be the key to success.

We work closely with clients to identify how they can maximise the potential of the individuals and teams within their organisation, whether that is by creating a vision and mission that will inform strategy, identifying the right structures, developing required skills, or creating an environment that enables success.  I really enjoy delivering solutions that will help clients see real and positive change.  For me, working in partnership with clients also means that we are setting them up for longer term success, not just implementing a project and walking away – but providing the skills and knowledge for the organisation to keep moving forward with the change.

Creating the right solutions

“It is important for me to understand what the longer-term aim is and then map a way to achieve that. I can offer a different perspective and encourage others to do the same.

I pride myself on having a pragmatic approach. Taking a practical and grounded view for every situation to ensure that the solution is not just “best practice” but the best fit for the client.

I am happy to share my knowledge but also information about how things have worked for other organisations and where the challenges and quick wins can be found.  It doesn’t benefit anyone if I am not realistic about the starting point for change. I believe honesty really is the best policy, as it enables clients to make decisions with all the relevant information at their disposal.  I am proud to have become a valued and trusted advisor to a range of clients, who know that I understand their strategy, the challenges they face and the strengths they can leverage.”

An open-mindED approach

“I believe that ‘best practice’ doesn’t always mean the ‘best fit’ for clients. I make sure I understand what the desired result will be and tailor the solution to deliver that required outcome.  Having this approach certainly challenges me to be more creative in the ways I think.”