Care 4 Carers

Since lockdown carers have lost access to day care, respite and short breaks services which has significantly increased their sense of isolation and loneliness. Carers are exhausted and we know bringing carers together to take part in a shared activity…


Success Story23rd Apr 2021

By Graeme Allan

Care 4 Carers

Since lockdown carers have lost access to day care, respite and short breaks services which has significantly increased their sense of isolation and loneliness. Carers are exhausted and we know bringing carers together to take part in a shared activity has positive impacts on their mental health and wellbeing.

We have worked hard to support carers to get connected digitally so that we could offer them a range of activities and events online as well as providing as much activity as we can outside.

Taking part in Art and Crafts groups has always been rated highly by carers as a great way to de-stress and take their minds off their caring responsibilities for a  time. We have been helped by the AABIE initiative to buy art and craft supplies which will enable us to put together themed packs for carers which we can deliver to them in preparation for an online class with a tutor on the subject at hand, which may be art, painting, drawing, knitting, crochet, silk painting, sculpture and a range of crafting options.

“Glad I signed up for that zoom class really enjoyed it, can’t wait for the next one.”

“Thank you everyone.  Lovely to meet you all.  Really enjoyed finding my love of making things again.”

“Zoom art was great on Wednesday.  Looking forward to next Wednesday.  Thanks for arranging this.”

“Learned a lot & it was much better than a YouTube video.”

“It’s good to switch off and be engrossed in craft.”

“Mastering crochet (to some extent!) definitely helps Boost morale.”

Ruth MacLennan

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By Graeme Allan